Sonntag, 15. Juni 2014

Old Baggage

Only one week, and summer officially starts. How cool is that? My favourite season is coming, which means a lot of outdoor activities, late nights at the lake and enjoying the warm weather.

I live in Zurich now, which is the biggest city in Switzerland. I was born and raised in Austria, but I came here last summer for work and stayed because I just LOVE this country. It's so beautiful and the people here are very friendly, so if you ever have the opportunity to travel there I would highly recommend it. You can do tons of stuff here too, no matter if its summer or winter.

The Lake of Zurich - so lovely in the summer!

Now what I wanted to talk about today is getting rid of your old baggage. I realised over the last couple of years, especially because I moved so often, that life is so much easier when you only have things AND people in your life that you really need and love. Keep everything simple and focus on the important parts of life. I recommend throwing everything unnecessary out after a certain period of time, no matter if it means your wardrobe, make up items, cosmetic stuff, old books and files that aren't needed anymore. Believe me, you will feel so much lighter and better after that! Maybe you have friends who are happy taking your old stuff which is just lying around in some corner of your apartment and just takes space away and therefore energy. In my experience, simplicity is the key when it comes to a clear mind.

As I mentioned before, the same goes to people. Go through your Facebook, Twitter and Instagram account and delate everybody that doesn't really play an important role in your life. Of course there are people you can't delate because some friendships stay in your heart, no matter if you still have contact to them or not and some people left such an impression on you that you still have a reasons to hold onto them. But a lot of people are just friends with you for the wrong reasons, and you are friends with them for the wrong reasons too. Think about who is really somebody worth spending your time and your attention, because we all know life is short.

You need self respect in life, and you can only have that when you know that you are too good for people who aren't appreciating and treating you the way you deserve it, right?