Mittwoch, 15. Januar 2014

Diet Tips

Another day, another post ;)

Recently I lost some weight and I'm pretty happy about that. I think it started at autuum when I noticed some change and the real surprise came when I went shopping and suddenly all the old sizes didn't fit anymore. So here is how I did it:

1. First of all, don't stress yourself about your weight. Numbers don't count, you should feel happy and healthy, that's the way you should set your goals.

2. I recommend not to weight yourself that often, or stop stepping on your scale at all. I don't even know my weight right now, I just know that I dropped 2 dress sizes. Stressing yourself out because there are days where you gained some small amount of weight or you're annoyed that the number on your scale won't get smaller although you're doing everything you can just makes you crazy.

3. Keep yourself busy, go out, meet new people, look for new hobbys, go out into nature and go hiking... Maintaining an active lifestyle will keep your thoughts away from food.

4. The most important thing is be determinded and stay strong. When you're in a bad mood don't let food or sweets be the only thing that gives you consolation, it won't help you in the longrun. You need to be stubborn when it comes to your healthy lifestyle and you can't be lead into temptation all the time when you want to loose weight. Be proud of yourself when you said no to something unhealthy and it should become a routine to watch your food intake.

5. Of course you can cheat sometimes, but it's important to get back on track soon after. And sometimes a little bite of something is enough, just to get the taste of it.

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